Thursday, August 18, 2022


- rolling stone

i got kicked out of an introverts group for telling how i cured my fear of talking in public, especially to ladies

i realized that i hated the sound of my own voice when i talked, since i spoke so little it sounded a bit like i was opening up a gone bad can of pineapples when i started talking

so i picked some accents and mannerisms i like in other people

bernadette, who is a francophone, learned english as a second language and would cut whole sections out of sentences and words and still got her meaning through, and very succinctly so i borrowed some of her mannerisms, like saying 'ent' when someone asks her a yes or no question

then, of course, i stole a lot of mannerisms from gollem, and charles bronson in the movie where he sells watermellons

then a girl i met from dunedin florida who had just gotten out of prison for hitting another girl with her shoe who was pestering her 

she had a strange, cheerful and very positive lilt to her voice, especially at the end of sentences when she would raise her pitch like she were asking a question

i put all these together and began talking to myself to pass the time using these mannerisms, and suddenly i felt comfortable with my own voice and perfectly comfortable talking to lots of ladies who would say hi to me just passing on the sidewalk 

wear an over the ear microphone so the police don't stop you thoand remember, we were literally ordered not to worry and literally ordered not to worry about what we say in court

Monday, August 15, 2022


- rolling stone august 15th, 2022

this is about ms rowling because of the death threats from muslims who were ordered to kill witches and lgbt

the iranian religious leader who took over after the iranian revolution issued a death order on rushdie who claimed there were verses removed from the koran because the devil had tricked muhammed into believing they were from god

rushdie's claim is probably true because no one would have heard of him or his claim if the ayatollah hadn't issued the death order

ms rowling is an anglican christian and presumably not a witch

ms rowling placed ilvermorny on mt greylock in our home town in 2016 after the shah's family moved there in 1979

the shah's youngest son allegedly committed suicide in boston in 2012 at the start of the arab spring

the shah's family is reportedly directly descended from cyrus the great, who is considered by jewish people to be the first messiah after rebuilding the temple that was destroyed during the babylonian captivity by nebuchadrezzer ll

cyrus the great's grandson was xerxes l, the giant guy attacking leonidas in 'the 300' at the battle of thermopolae

christians and jewish people were ordered not to kill by the ten commandments but islam splintered off the book after abraham and 1000 years before moses brought the commandments down from mt sinai written on two stone tablets which moses smashed into peices no telling what they said unless someone somewhere put the pieces back together

then allegedly, moses made 2 more tablets 

just found out the talmud says the original tablets were made of sapphire, which is made of corundom and is extremely hard and 'has no cleavage' (tendency to break) so it might have been very difficult for moses to smash them...and why would moses smash something crafted by god ?

the oldest continuously operating library in the world is on mt sinai and it contains the holy actiname written by muhammed

the holy actiname gave protection to and made tax exempt christians at st catherine's monastery and library

st catherine, legend says, married jesus in the desert during the time of the roman emperor maximillian who had her killed because he wanted to marry her and she loved jesus

constantine the great defeated maximilian at the battle of milvian bridge after seeing a sign from jesus in the sun 

constantine and his mom st helena made the roman empire christian which is why the vatican is in italy

mt sinai:

Sunday, August 14, 2022


so shirley jackson, who survived 2 psych conditions, wrote 'the haunting of hill house' and until i got the movie 'clue' a little while ago this year, which takes place in a 'hill house' in new england, i didnt know she had written it in and had lived in bennington

ms jackson was raised a christian scientist and her study of witchcraft and spells may have been a mission to learn about and report on the occult, but it definitely made her a poet and writer who could convey an atmosphere like few others (j k rowling is an anglican christian)

robert frost also lived on the outskirts of bennington, and that  probably had affected her style greatly too

bennington college students believe hill house was inspired by jennings hall on the north end of campus, which was built by the husband of a woman named hall, whose grandfather had been governor of vermont

so before it became jennings hall, it might have once been named hall house, or perhaps ... hall hall ?

williams grad and the father of u s psychology g stanley hall had created an extraordinary series of 'hall houses' for uncanny only children 

the original 'the haunting of hill house' was based upon a scientific experiment into parapsychology

'Hall was one of the founding members and a vice President of the American Society for Psychical Research.[13] The early members of the society were skeptical of paranormal phenomena.[14] Hall took a psychological approach to psychical phenomena. By 1890 he had resigned from the society.[15] He became an outspoken critic of parapsychology.[16]'


bette davis attended crestalban from when she was 7 years old in 1915 to 1921 according to grace carter's biography of bette

crestalban boarding school was located at intersection of partridge road and summer street in lanesborough, massachusetts where nehemia missions is located today

nehemia missions was founded by william levi to provide aid and material support to the sudanese people

the tribe of levi were appointed to carry the ark of the covenant

the ark is alleged to be stored in axum, ethiopia which is on the border next to sudan

bette davis decided upon a life of acting after watching peg entwistle in a production of henrick isben's 'the wild duck' in boston when bette was 17

peg entwistle was from glamorgen wales where the holy grail, a wooden cup that people have nibbled away at, is reportedly kept and where the grail legend began

gwyneth paltrow learned to act at the williamstown theater festival, 15 miles north of lanesborough, when she was a 9 year old

robin williams had a home in pittsfield mass and acted in terry gilliam's 'the fisher king' about a homeless schizophrenic looking for the holy grail before his friend christopher reeves, who had a home in williamstown near kidder hollow, became injured the same way as the legendary fisher king, whose castle contained the holy grail
