Sunday, August 14, 2022


so shirley jackson, who survived 2 psych conditions, wrote 'the haunting of hill house' and until i got the movie 'clue' a little while ago this year, which takes place in a 'hill house' in new england, i didnt know she had written it in and had lived in bennington

ms jackson was raised a christian scientist and her study of witchcraft and spells may have been a mission to learn about and report on the occult, but it definitely made her a poet and writer who could convey an atmosphere like few others (j k rowling is an anglican christian)

robert frost also lived on the outskirts of bennington, and that  probably had affected her style greatly too

bennington college students believe hill house was inspired by jennings hall on the north end of campus, which was built by the husband of a woman named hall, whose grandfather had been governor of vermont

so before it became jennings hall, it might have once been named hall house, or perhaps ... hall hall ?

williams grad and the father of u s psychology g stanley hall had created an extraordinary series of 'hall houses' for uncanny only children 

the original 'the haunting of hill house' was based upon a scientific experiment into parapsychology

'Hall was one of the founding members and a vice President of the American Society for Psychical Research.[13] The early members of the society were skeptical of paranormal phenomena.[14] Hall took a psychological approach to psychical phenomena. By 1890 he had resigned from the society.[15] He became an outspoken critic of parapsychology.[16]'

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